Radioactive contamination

From ArticleWorld

Radioactive contamination is considered to be an uncontrolled distribution of any radioactive material in a given environment.


In most cases radioactive contamination occurs because of a lack in control of radioactive material. This is usually the case in production or because of the use of radioisotopes. The most common method of spreading substances is on one’s feet or clothes and can often be noticed in some industries if users are not careful. In some processes radioactive contamination can not be avoided as it is a resulting factor of a procedure. A common method of controlled that is currently used stands in diluting radioactive material in a safe concentration. A nuclear explosion can not be controlled and radiation is spread in the surrounding areas. The process of radioactive contamination distribution after such an incident is called Nuclear Fallout.


Zero radioactivity does not exist, no matter where you are. Animals have in their composition several elements that are radioactive but the levels present are not damaging. Two levels of contamination are currently assessed and discussed by specialists:

  • Low Level Contamination – If an individual is exposed to low levels of radiation contamination he/she is not at risk.
  • High Level Contamination – Such a type of contamination poses big threats on the environment and on any animal. Lethal radiation levels can be achieved but in most cases they will only be registered after an accident that involved radioactive material in larger quantities. The living possibility of a person after exposing depends on how much radiation his body absorbed.

Contamination means

Radioactive contamination can enter an individual’s body through 4 methods: inhalation, ingestion, absorption and injection. Because of this fact a special protective equipment suite must be used when handling dangerous material. Ingestion is usually done by eating something that was contaminated, being plant, animal or just water. External contamination can easily be handled by removing the sources that caused it while internal contamination is difficult to get rid of. It depends on what radionuclide was involved in the process.