How to learn paragliding

From ArticleWorld

What does it take to learn to paraglide? You can often see paragliders in their frames, floating not far above the houses, looking somewhat like a soaring bird. This is not a guide to paragliding, but instead offers advice on finding an instructor.

How to

  • You should always seek out professional training when you learn a new sport. Extreme sports require a lot of skill, and there are a lot of risks, too. You need professionals to guide you over the first learning curve.
  • Some people want to learn paragliding near their house (a good way to spy on the neighbours). Others treat it more as an adventure to be had when abroad. Either way, try and pick a place that actively welcomes paragliders.
  • Paragliding schools are easily found on the internet. Take a look around, and find one that interests you. You might ask a paragliding club to recommend one to you.
  • Before you commit yourself to learning, take the time to examine the school, ask it for references, have a look around.
  • Learning to paraglide requires fair weather. You are not going to learn in a week if you begin in winter. Keep your expectations realistic. You are also never going to pass if you don’t put the practice hours in.


  • Keep a log of your flights. Record things that went well (and try and repeat them another time), and things that went wrong (try to learn from these mistakes).
  • Practice on terra firma. Even if you cannot fly that day because of the weather, you can still take the glider out. It never hurts to put in a bit of ground handling.
  • Wear a helmet. Obviously.
  • Keep all of your zippers and bootlaces away from the lines of the glider. Be careful.