World Hockey Cup

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The International Hockey Federation (IHF), the world governing body for field hockey, created the World Hockey Cup in 1971, with the tournament to be played every two years. Since, 1982 it has been played every four years, halfway between Summer Olympic competitions, the other international showcase for the sport. In addition, the sport holds an international championship tournament for junior men’s and women’s team the year before each World Hockey Cup.

Recent winners

Recent winners of the men’s World Hockey Cup have included:

  1. 2002, Germany beat Australia
  2. 1998, Netherlands beat Spain
  3. 1994, Pakistan beat Netherlands
  4. 1990, Netherlands beat Pakistan
  5. 1986, Australia beat England

Recent winners of the women’s World Hockey Cup have included:

  1. 2002, Argentina beat Netherlands
  2. 1998, Australia beat Netherlands
  3. 1994, Australia beat Argentina
  4. 1990, Netherlands beat Australia
  5. 1986, Netherlands beat West Germany

IHF oversees tournament

The IHF was formed in 1924 in part because the sport was not included in that year’s Olympics held in Paris. Today it oversees international competition in field hockey with associations on five continents. It has 112 member countries. It is located in Lusanne, Switzerland, also home to the International Olympic Committee and, oddly enough, the International Baseball Federation.