Ordinary Wizarding Level

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The Ordinary Wizarding Level is the first academic title awarded to student of Hogworts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It is popularly known by its acronym O.W.L. It is a fictional designation that appears in Harry Potter series of novels written by J.K. Rowling. On achieving a passable grade in a supervised examination, the students are awarded an OWL in that subject.

O.W.L. Practices

the O.W.L examination are conducted at Hogworts but under the supervision of officials from the Ministry of Magic’s Wizarding Examination Authority. These examinations are heavily emphasized by the teachers at Hogworts and the results determine the students future course of study for their final two years at school.

An OWL is to be taken by students for ech subject of study. These tests are held annually in June, which is the end of an academic year. Each subject has a practical portion and a theoretical portion, except those subjects which are textual ones like History of Magic and Ancient Runes. The theoretical portion is held at the Great Hall at Hogworts where individual desks replace the four house tables for this purpose. The practical examination is conducted individually for each student before a Ministry official. The student is asked to perform some spells, charms or prepare Potions as the case may be.


The O.W.L. examinations can be taken for the following subjects :

Compulsory subjects – Transfiguration, Defence Against the Dark Arts, History of Magic, Potions, Astronomy, Charms and Herbology.

Elective subjects – Divination, Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, Ancient Runes and Muggle Studies.


The O.W.L. examinations are evaluated on a six – letter grading scale. British students equate these with their own GCSE, which is also taken at the same age. The American equivalent is the SAT.

Following is the list of grades, along with their muggle equivalents :

Pass grades :

  • O for Outstanding - GCSE A*/A and SAT 1500-1600
  • E for Exceeds Expectations - GCSE A/B and SAT 1200-1499
  • A for Acceptable - GCSE B/C and SAT 1030-1199

Fail grades :

  • P for Poor - GCSE D and SAT 900-1030
  • D for Dreadful - GCSE E and SAT 600-899
  • T for Troll - GCSE F/G and SAT 599 & Below