How to use a longboard skateboard

From ArticleWorld

The longboard skateboard is a type of board used in skateboarding. Longer and more flexible than the usual board, it allows the rider the feeling of ‘surfing’ on concrete.


Get a longboard. You can’t do this on a normal board, so you need one of these. There are specialists who have been working on the longboard for years - look them up on the internet.

Try out your normal riding style. It may see a bit awkward at first, but you’ll soon get used to it. Practice on a flat piece of park, just to see how it feels. Once you are used to the larger board, try going downhill.

When you need to slow down, stick your back foot on the ground. There are different ways of stopping the board, but this is the most direct method.

When you feel ready, try carving the board (by leaning from side to side, as in snowboarding). This will not seem easy at first, but stick with it, and don’t be nervous.


You will need some protective gloves in order to put your hand down when you carve. You will need flat shoes, and something with a good grip.

If your longboard has a tail, then you can use it to perform an oillie. Obviously, this will be a bit more difficult, as the board is that much larger.

Always do your longboarding in a place with no traffic, and take care whenever you are in public.