How to survive on a tight budget happily

From ArticleWorld

There is a step-by-step plan for managing your money which is simple and won’t drive you crazy.


  1. Make a calendar, try to use the normal wall calendar form and use traditional white paper.
  2. Next, deduce how much is your take home pay after taxes.
  3. On the calendar mark each day you work with your expenses. An example, if your rent is $300 and you make $70 a day, block out 5 days on the calendar. Rent, Rent, Rent, Rent, Rent. If you pay $50 a month on electricity, block out 1 day on the calendar. Keep doing it for all your expenses until all your work days are full.
  4. Remember to include a pleasure, or savings block, and put in events like birthday presents.
  5. Make a calendar for subsequent months, about three, and try to do it all at once.
  6. Keep the calendar with you, and look at the calendar when want to purchase something to see where you can get the money.
  7. Constantly, updates the calendar.
  8. Imagine your money as blocks on the calendar that you need to refer to a lot.


There is a very healthy method to budgeting. For example, if you spend $80 a month on shoes, block it in. So, when you want to spend $80 on one pair of shoes, look at the calendar and make a decision if you want to purchase the shoes or not. Always keep in your mind what your blocks are, and buy things accordingly. Also, make sure your blocks match your paychecks and due dates. If your rent is due on the 1st, but you get paid on the 5th, block the days subsequent to your prior paycheck. It is important to block in your debt and concentrate on getting it lowered. For some support, tell your friends how you have decided to manage your money.


  • Stop budgeting every cent or dollar just for half or full blocks.
  • Stop ignoring the budget.
  • Stop blocking out the days you don’t work because you are not making money on those days. Let them be.
  • Stop using more money than what you have blocked.