How to rekindle the old flame

From ArticleWorld

To Rekindle the Old Flame with your spouse requires you to do some soul searching and zero in exactly on where you went wrong and what you want of life now. If your marriage has reached a rocky stage and you want to salvage it before things deteriorate further, then there is still hope in the relationship. Its only when you want out of the marriage that things become irreparable. Here are a few tried tips to help you get your life back.

A few suggestions

  1. First and foremost, sit back and do some serious soul searching and decide if you really want to make a go of your marriage. Once you are sure that things are not too bad and that situations can be tackled with better handling then go ahead and do your best.
  2. Try and pin-point the exact problem area in the marriage and work towards isolating it. Look at it from all sides and without pinning the blame on either yourself or your spouse try to remove it by thinking of it as our problem.
  3. Stop pressurizing, stop criticizing and stop complaining, in fact every time you feel like criticizing and complaining try and look at the situation from the others person’s eyes and you might see an entirely different picture.
  4. Agree with whatever your spouse says or does. Agree with even their negative feelings. After a little while they will themselves realize the unreasonableness of their views and come around to your way of thinking.


  • Try meditation, it is always relaxing
  • If you find that at the end of the day you are stressed out and wound up then take time out for yourself when you return at the end of the day and let your feelings come back to normal before going in to meet your spouse.


  • Don’t seek solace in alcohol or drugs; they will multiply your problems instead of removing them.