How to recover after crashing - snowboarding

From ArticleWorld

How do professionals recover after crashing during snowboarding? Everybody falls from time to time. The important thing is to get back up and carry on. Just learn from your experiences, and don’t fall next time.

How to recover

Well, the first step to recovery is to admit you have a problem. You wipe out from a big jump, and look foolish. Don’t panic. Try and stay flexible.

Crouch over your board as though you are about to bind your boots onto it. Use this time to wipe the snow (that you dug up when you landed) off of your board.

Tip your board towards you, and move your hips closer to it. Grab the top of the board, and push it down while tilting your pelvis in the same direction.

Now you are almost up, try and straighten your body out (so that you don’t fall right back down again).

Stand up! Once you’re on your feet, you should be able to control the board. Shrug your shoulders, skate away, and ride right back up to the top of the slope.


This takes practice, so give it a go.

The quicker you can recover, the less silly you look. Also, getting up quickly means that you clear the area for the riders behind you. It’s important to get away from the landing as quickly as you can. Move to a safer area and count your bruises.

Always wear a helmet. It’s difficult to recover when you’ve knocked your brains out of your ears.