How to do the 50/50 grind

From ArticleWorld

Most people, even those not interested in skateboarding, have seen a 50/50 grind. This is where the board slides over a narrow surface without using the wheels (usually on the trucks). Some people grind over the bonnet of a car, though it might be polite to ask first.


  1. Put your board on a straight line with the rail, pipe or otherwise narrow item. The surface should be narrower than your wheel span.
  2. Speed is the key. The faster you are going, the fewer seconds you will have to be on the narrow surface. When you approach the rail, do an ollie. Instead of landing sideways, as is usual, you should be facing down the rail, with your truckers the only things resting on the surface.
  3. Keep your weight over the centre of the board. Leaning too far to the side will cause you to fall. If you need, crouch over the board with your knees bent.
  4. To land, lift the front of your board to ‘level up’, and ensure a smooth landing.


  • Have a go on something on the ground first, so that you know how to approach the surface, and how to jump to ensure that you land on both of the truckers.
  • Don’t be afraid to bail out if you are about to fall. Better to be able to decide when you land than just fall off like a drunk on a wall.
  • Be sure to wear protective clothing, and be careful not to whack yourself when jumping directly onto something. That can sting.