How to do a shove it

From ArticleWorld

A shove it is one of the easiest tricks you can do, and a skateboarder can do no wrong by learning it. The shove-it involves turning the board 180 degrees while you are in the air, and then landing back on the board.


  1. You should be standing, or travelling, on the board with your back foot at the tail, and your front foot near the front bolts. This should be your usual stance, just a bit further back on the board.
  2. When you are ready, kick your tail backwards, and at the same time push the front of the board forward. This should be done with the same amount of pressure.
  3. As you push, jump. You want your feet away from the board, so that you don’t create a friction between your feet and the grip tape.
  4. When you land, your back foot should be first, and then your front almost immediately after.


  • This is not a pop shove-it. You do not need to pop the tail as with an ollie. If you do that with this trick, you can make the board move to the side.
  • You will probably find that you don’t land this trick a lot to begin with, because the board is always moving from under your feet. Firstly, be sure that you are shoving the board with equal weight on each foot. Secondly, maintain your balance while you jump, so that you are not moving away from the board yourself.
  • You do not need to jump very high for this trick. You are not performing an ollie, so a quick up and down will do.
  • Once you have learnt this trick, you can begin to try more complicated ones. The shove-it is a basis for a lot of advanced tricks, so is well worth learning.