How to do a drop-in on a half-pipe

From ArticleWorld

When you are used to your skate board, you will probably want to learn how to do a drop-in on a half-pipe. This drop-in involves the U shaped ramp, and is best performed with a friend.


Go to the top of the ramp, and set your board at the edge. Your wheels should be over the edge, and only the tail should be touching the platform.

At this point, you can drop-in on your own, by setting your back foot on the tail, so that your weight is still over the platform. Put your other foot on the font of the board, and, when you are ready, transfer the weight from the back to the front of the board.

You can also do the drop-in with a pal. When you have set the board at the top of the platform, get your friend to hold the back end of the board, and practice stomping on the front end. When you are feeling confidant, get your friend to release the board.

Once you have done the drop-in, however that happened, try and get yourself on a more even level. As you get to the other side, bend your knees. This will help you speed up


When you are good at this, try increasing your speed as you reach the top of the other side by bending your knees. This is pumping, and pumping is the key to performing more tricks on the half-pipe.

Wear protective gear, and ensure that there is no-one in the pipe when you are trying the drop-in.