How to do a boardslide on handrails

From ArticleWorld

Doing a boardslide on handrails looks cool, and everyone who has a passion for skateboarding wants to know how to do this trick.


  1. If you want to do this trick, you must be confident that you can really skate. Any misjudgement at this point will hurt. It will really hurt.
  2. Make sure that you are going at speed. Approaching the handrail at a slow lick will cause you problems when you jump.
  3. Pop your ollie onto the beginning of the rail. Make sure that your front truck is well over the other side of the rail – you don’t want to make a mistake at this point.
  4. Once you’re this far, you’ve committed to the slide, and you can’t just jump off.
  5. Bend your knees, and keep your weight just forward of centre. I’m not suggesting you take up a diving pose: a little goes a long way in this slide.
  6. As you come to the end, keep control of your board. When you board comes down, make sure that your feet are on top of it by extending your legs.
  7. Ride away!


  • Absorb the impact, and try not to wobble. These tricks only look good if you land the jump well.
  • Practice on small rails before you go for one in a park. If you have access to a skateboarding park, there should be something there to slide down.
  • Wear protective gear, especially the helmet. Sliding down rails is only cool if you have your brains left at the end.