How to do a Fakie pivot to shove it

From ArticleWorld

The fakie pivot to shove it, or fakie bigspin, is a fairly easy trick that looks far cooler than it deserves. If you can pull off this trick more than once, your friends will be impressed.


  1. Ride fakie (ie, backwards) at an even speed. For this trick, you should not be travelling too quickly.
  2. Your front foot should be behind the front bolts, and your back foot touching the tail.
  3. Do a backwards pivot (a turn on two wheels), and then shove it (sometimes called shuvit). This involved pushing the board backwards with your back foot, and forwards with your front foot. This should be done simultaneously. The board should spin as though it was nailed to the floor through the middle. You will need to jump a bit, to keep the friction down.
  4. Land back on the board, and roll away.


  • You need plenty of practice for this trick; the main difficulty is not shoving the board to the side when you jump.
  • You need to watch out for the board moving as it spins. Ideally, it should turn on the spot. Realistically, you’re not going to achieve this to start with.
  • Practice on grass first. This trick is not hard, but you will fall down a lot when you start.
  • Wear protective clothing, and, when you have got the board turning perfectly, be sure not to spoil it by loosing your balance. Keep your weight centred.