How to do a Casper

From ArticleWorld

If you have any experience on a skateboard, you should be able to do a casper. This is a fairly simple trick, though it takes a lot of practice to be able to do it well.


  1. Standing on the board, have your front foot on the front bolts, and your back foot at the edge of the board with your toes hanging off the end. Your front foot should have only the toes and ball of your foot touching the board, and your back foot toes should be curled around the edge.
  2. Put all of your weight onto the front foot, and peel the board towards your heel with the back foot. Bend your knee so that your back foot doesn’t slip under the board. Allow the board to ‘fall’ onto your front foot.
  3. Put your back foot on top of the board.
  4. Jump, and push the board back to the starting position with your front foot, then land on the board.


  • You should try this jump on something soft first, like grass. This is an easy trick, but it will be difficult to land the first few times. Then you’ll get it, and wonder what the problem was.
  • You should be used to riding a skateboard before trying this trick. You should certainly have learned how to ollie. Not because these are similar tricks, but because you should have that confidence to go up in the air and be able to land the jump.