How to cope with your young children when they cause disruption in conversations

From ArticleWorld

To cope with your young children when they cause disruption in conversations you need to be firm but also patient. Children learn their manners from their parents and thus it is very important that during this developmental stage of their life the children are given the correct patterns for future behavior. This is also true because at this stage children learn and pickup habits that last them their lifetime if not consciously changed. Here are some pointers for parents.

A few suggestions

  1. If your children are very young then you should expect them to disturb you when you are talking to someone else.
  2. If you are short with them and tell them to keep quiet or shut up, then you are teaching them to be rude and ill-mannered.
  3. Instead, you should ask the other person to excuse you for a minute and listen to what the child has to say. It may be something important, more often than not, the child needs to just say something to you. You listen to them with patience and then tell them politely that you are talking with a grown up and that it is not good manners to interrupt when two elders are talking.
  4. At such times you need to distract them with other things that you have carried from home just for this purpose.
  5. The way you behave with your children positively influences the other grown up to behave in a similar manner with his/ her children.


  • Remember children pick up behavioral traits from grown ups, especially their parents, who act as role models for attitudes and behavior of their children.


  • Don’t brush your child’s need aside in the face of yours or the other person’s. Taking a moment off from whatever you were discussing will not greatly affect your conversation but it will make your child feel important and on top of the world.