How to bid farewell to a friend who is relocating

From ArticleWorld

To Bid Farewell to a Friend Who is Relocating can be heart wrenching especially if you were close and together for a long time. The experience can be all the more traumatic if you are young and impressionable. There is no way that anybody can stop you from hurting but here are a few suggestions that you might want to follow to lessen the heart ache.

A few suggestions

  1. When you first get to hear the news, let it sink in slowly. Take your time and allow the shock to dissipate.
  2. Now that there is no two ways about it and he/ she is leaving, try and spend as much time together as you can manage. Do things that you liked to do when you got together and even things that they like to do and you don’t think much of.
  3. Don’t get mad with circumstances and with the world. Maybe your friend’s Dad or Mom got a better job offer or the move is an opportunity that your friend needs to make the most of. Let not your feelings stand in the way of what is the best for her/ him.
  4. You can cry as often as you can, crying helps to get things out of your system.
  5. Help your friend with packing and other things that need to be done when moving, they will know then that you are a true friend.


  • Make a card to give her/ him when they leave and keep in regular touch after they have gone.
  • Make new friends but do not forget the old.


  • Don’t mope too much around your friend; he/ she will feel guilty as well as depressed and unenthusiastic about going away and leaving you.
  • Don’t let depression get to you to an extent that it begins affecting your health and studies. Remember all this is a part of growing up.