How to begin skateboarding

From ArticleWorld

Have you been wondering how to begin skateboarding? It is a popular sport, but can seem a bit daunting: all those flashy tricks, and customised boards. The key to learning any sport is, remember that you are starting at the bottom.


“Get to know your board. Before you try it out in skate parks and in public, practice on the grass in your own yard. That way, your first falls will be less painful.

  1. On the grass, get used to standing on your board. Lean to the left. Lean to the right. Don’t fall off. When you are ready, move onto the drive. This is the perfect place to practice turning Roll around until you get used to it.
  2. Look at skateboarders trying a few tricks. Find a simple one, and learn how this is performed. Try an ollie out first: this is a simple trick, and a good first choice.
  3. Learn skateboarding’s language. People who perform this sport have their own names for the board, for skates, and even for the different types of ramp. A trucker, for example is the metal attachment that covers the wheel axles.
  4. Get some advice from an experienced skateboarder. You can study and read as much as you like, but you cannot replace the advice of someone who has tried these tricks and fallen down. Find someone who will show you a few tricks.
  5. Practice often. Nothing about skateboarding is natural, and it is something you cannot do in five minutes. You need to train yourself.


  • If you are serious about this sport, you should try to get a better board. Cheap board, as with most cheap things, will get broken more quickly, and will cost you more to continually replace.
  • If you can, find someone to help you pick out a board. Either a more experienced skateboarder or a skateboard shop assistant will help you.
  • Be sure that you know how to do a trick before you try it out. Practice it in an area with a soft landing.
  • Wear protective clothing. Always.