How to begin riding a skateboard

From ArticleWorld

Riding a skateboard looks impressive. There are a lot of programmes on TV which show people engaging in this sport, and doing dangerous stunts. Now, those are obviously not for the novice: but everyone has to start somewhere.


  1. Find out if you are regular (left) or goofy (right) footed. This is a reference to the foot that should go in front. Stand in a stable position, and get someone to push you from behind. Whichever foot you put out to save yourself, that is your lead, or front, foot.
  2. Have your front foot about 2 inches behind the front axel bolts. A slight angle is best.
  3. Put your back foot at about the same position in relation to the back bolts, also at a slight angle.
  4. Push off to start. You should do this with your back foot: never push yourself away from a building using wither your feet or your hands, and never push the board so that you are going backwards.
  5. Push gently, until you are at a speed you feel happy with. Then put your foot back on the board in the same position as before.
  6. When you want to stop, put your back foot on the ground. This will bring you to a halt, make sure the board follows. Some skateboarders perform a flashy stop by pressing down with the back foot, so the nose (front bit) flies up, and the tail (back bit), touches the ground. This is not for beginners.


Balance yourself, and make an effort not to fall off. Concentrate upon being stable on the board, without too much wobbling. If you wobble a lot, check the truckers (metal casings that protect the wheels’ axels). They should be tight, but if loose may cause the board to wobble.

Always wear protective gear. Helmet, knee pads and elbow pads at the very least. Your skateboarding shop will have loads of different types, and will be only to glad to help.