Dog health

From ArticleWorld

Dog health is one of the most intensely studied areas of veterinary science. This is due to the long relationship we have had with dogs and the strong bonds that are formed between owners and their pets.


The dogs’ diet must contain proper mix of carbohydrates, vegetables, and proteins with the appropriate mix of mineral and vitamins. This can all be found in regular bagged or canned dog food. Many pet owners feed their dogs tables scraps, which is not recommended for a veriety of reasons. The human diet is not ideal for dogs as many table scraps do not contain meat protiens. The feeding of table scraps can also lead to obesity which carries the risk of further health problems and may encourage the pet to beg.


Many common food enjoyed by humans can cause severe sickness and even be fatal to dogs. Dogs love chocolate, however chocolate contains the chemical thoebromine, which dogs cannot metabolize. While small amounts of chocolate in larger dogs may only cause diarrhea and accelerated heart rate, for smaller dogs it can be fatal. If chocolate poisoning occurs, it is recommended to contact a veterinarian immediately and induce vomiting.

Onions and garlic can cause hemolytic anemia. Puppies are very susceptible to this, while larger dogs may tolerate occasional ingestion. Continued exposure can be a major threat and should be avoided. Macadamia nuts have been known to cause hyperthermia, abdominal pain, stiffness, and tremors. Hops, commonly used in making beer, causes milignant hyperthermia in dogs and is usually fatal. Even small amounts of hops can be lethal, including used hops, left over from brewing. Greyhounds are particularly susceptible to this.

Antifreeze has a sweet taste that dogs enjoy, however once in the liver it causes kidney failure, seizures and death. Pets who ingest antifreeze must be treated quickly because once symptoms start to appear, the animals kidneys are usually too badly damaged for it to survive. Common forms of ingestion include licking from a spill or licking it off of their fur. If a dog has ingested antifreeze, vomitting must be induced immedaitly and they should be taken to the veterinarian at once. Mouse and rat poisons should always be kept away from dogs and cats.


There are many common parasites associated with dogs. Heart worms, if not eliminated can be fatal, while prevention of heart worms is easily done through medication. Fleas, ticks and mites are another common parasite. There are wide veriety of effective products to prevent and eliminate this parasite.