Varicose veins

From ArticleWorld

Varicose veins start out as barely a visible problem but can lead, after a period of time, to fatigue, leg pain and swelling. The diminshed blood flow to your legs causes your legs to get tired quickly and quite often make them feel as heavy as bricks. If left uncared for the varicose vein could become dangerous to the point of starting leg ulcers, affected walking, leg cramps and blood clots.

Technical details of the laser treatment

The scientific name for this therapy is endovenous laser therapy. The laser used is very sharp and injects a very controlled quatity of laser energy. The doctor will inject a very minuscule thin optical fiber into your thigh. Despite the fact that your varicose vein appears in your lower leg area the real cause of the issue is almost always a problematic valve in your upper leg. After the laser is properly positioned in your upper leg, the doctor will start the laser. The heat from the laser will cause the blood in that section of the vein to clot and close the diseased vein. This will result in the complete vein from there down down to your lower leg to shrink and be absorbed into your body.

The number of veins in your legs is so great that the loss of one varicose vein isn't a issue for your circulatory system. In fact, the blood that usually would have gone through the varicose vein will now go through the other healthier veins. This laser treatment is proven to have 95 % success rate at taking care of the issue with a diseased varicose vein. So there remains a possibility that you may have to undergo the old surgery vein removal procedure. But your probabilities of curing a diseased varicose vein problem expeditiously and without difficulty with laser technology are much better than ever before.

Surgical vs Laser Therapy

Mending the problem used to involve a hospital stay, removing the varicose vein surgically and wollowed by a long recovery period. It can make you shudder just thinking about it. These days, however, making use of the cutting edge laser treatment technologies, in many cases, much of this primitive surgical procedure can be outdated. The gains of this cutting edge laser treatment of varicose veins are vast. There is very little preparation work necessary at all. It can be done as an outpatient procedure and usually takes under one hour start to finish. The previous surgical procedure normally took 5 to 7 hours or more. Total anesthesia for the laser treatment is not required and there is only very little pain. When the procedure is completed there is no scarring at all. The cut to place inside the laser is so minuscule that stitches are not necessary.