Store detective

From ArticleWorld

A Store detective is hired by store owners to spot suspicious activity, detect thefts and minimize shoplifting. He/she is generally hired by the store and is on their payroll. Many store detectives, however, may be self employed or may be working for a security firm that out sources its employees, to shops, for a period of time - over weekends or busy sale days. Store detectives needs to be very observant and able to identify the signs of attempted theft from a shop or store. They usually work in plain clothes to avoid recognition but if they work as part of a team of security officers, then all the detectives may be uniformly dressed.

Duties and powers

The standard duties of a store detective may involve keeping an eye on customers who act fishy. Once they zero in on shady characters, they are entitled to carry out searches and can also summon police help and express their observations. Writing short or detailed reports of their experiences and taking evidence from witnesses on the scene also fall within the store detective’s responsibility. They are frequently expected to give evidence in court and attend questioning of a suspect.

Store detectives have the authority to confine anyone who makes the effort to leave the shop with stolen goods. They may also stop people from using stolen credit cards. A store detective normally has a series of devices to help him/her with the work. Some of the regular equipment are closed circuit televisions, mirrors, loop alarms, and electronic tag on goods.

Work hours and remuneration

Including evenings and weekends, a store detective’s typical work hours would come to 40 in a week and involve sa lot of walking and standing. Starting salaries for most detectives start at $10,000 or $12,000 a year and go up to $20,000.

A skillful store detective needs to be mature, responsible and honest, and have the ability to make quick decisions. They have to be good observers and have strong communication and written communication skills. Physical fitness and a polite and helpful attitude is an added advantage. They also need to be technologically competent to be able to deal with modern surveillance systems.