Step-by-step approach to save money grocery shopping

From ArticleWorld

A step-by-step approach can show anyone how to feed one to three people how to go grocery shopping, with only fifty dollars in the bank. They are simple steps that everyone can follow.


Always know, specifically, what you need. To do this, make a list detailing the produce, deli, meats, dairy, frozen foods that you need. It is important that you organize the list. You want the list to be simply enough, so that you will be able to find the things you are looking for by the part of the store you are in. By doing this two things will result: it will prevent you from buying things on a whim, and discipline you to buy the things only on your list. Second, try shopping at a store whose groceries cost less. Third, purchase only the provisions that you really need. Make it your aim to only buy food, toilet tissue, and paper towels. If this is too strict, allow yourself only one or two things you really don’t need. Fourth, use coupons, they are a fine way to save more money. However, if you are going to use them, make sure that can be used at the store you are going to. Also, if you are into be really organized, try underlining the items on your list that you are using a coupon for. Fifth, remember to assign a couple of additional dollars for taxes. Lastly, don’t purchase the costly name brand items, purchase the generic (store) brand.


There are other things that will make your shopping easier, and help you save money. Again, buy only what you need. It is important that if you have children, to not bring them with you to the grocery store. Also, eat something before you go to the grocery store, if hungry your resistance will be low, and you will persuade yourself to buy more. Always compare prices between the costly brands and less expensive ones. To do this, bring a calculator to the store with you. Again, use coupons but make sure they are saving you money. The thing you might be using them may not be saving you money because the generic priced groceries might still be cheaper than a name brand item with a coupon. Buy things you typically use. Don’t buy so may frozen and prepackaged foods because they do have expiration dates. This goes for meats as well; depending on the meat you can freeze it up to three to six months.


Bring a calculator to the store with you, and a coupon organizer. These things will save you a lot of time. Also, make sure you buy enough to get your family through the next seven days. The things you need for your home-toothpaste, cleansers. etc.- you can buy at a discount store, such stores, offers an assortment of items while saving you more money.