
From ArticleWorld

Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis as a treatment for both mental and functional disorders. Supporters of the approach believe that people are more receptive to suggestion and thus conditions such as obesity, smoking, phobias and amnesia as well as functional disorders such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome can be treated.

The history of hypnotherapy goes back to ancient times when dancing, music and the use of masks characterized religious rituals. In the 19th century, healers and practitioners supporting the use of hypnosis for treating illnesses were regarded with suspicion and in the early 20th century, Freud met with little success in his attempts at using the technique. It wasn’t until Andrew Salter introduced conditioned reflex therapy in the 1940’s that themodern use of hypnosis in the treatment of disorders began. Dr Kovoor and Milton H. Erickson are both considered successful modern hypnotherapists.


There are a number of techniques which can be applied within hypnotherapy and the use of them depends on the therapists approach as well as the desired result. Age Regression takes the client back to an earlier, healthier time so that in remembering past qualities, the client gains strength and confidence. Revivification involves the remembering of past experiences and Guided Imagery introduces new beneficial experiences. Direct Suggestion works by the therapist issuing direct statements such as “You feel sick every time you put a cigarette in your mouth”.

Hypnoanalysis involves confronting past issues and resolving them while Post Hypnotic Suggestion involves a suggestion that will take effect once the client is woken.