How to take pleasure in life as a teenager

From ArticleWorld

To take pleasure in life as a teenager may seem like a high order for you who seem to be going through so many changes but believe you me these are some of the best years of your life. You may think the whole world is against you and your own parents do not understand your problems but in reality, at this age, you are at your physical best and mentally poised to what would be your best if you channel your energies properly. Here’s how to live life king/queen size during your teens.

A few suggestions

  1. Be optimistic and confident. Learn to count your blessings and look on the bright side of life.
  2. Do not consider yourself lucky in the number of friends you have, rather in the quality of friends that you have. Remember, two to three really good friends are much preferable to having one thousand fair weather acquaintances.
  3. Take care of your body by working out or playing a sport. Keeping in great physical shape will do wonders for your confidence.
  4. Be social. Join different clubs in your school and keep busy. Though you need only few close friends, having a ticking social life keeps you from wallowing in self pity.
  5. Don’t neglect your school work. Study well and get good grades. Having fun is all right but doing well in school will make a difference to what college you go to and your career later in life.


  • Try and do your best in everything that you do. If you play the guitar, play it well, if you play hockey, give it all you have got.
  • Be comfortable with who and what you are. There is no fun in imitating someone else. Accept you strengths and your weaknesses and get on with life.


  • Do not give in to drugs or smoking or drinking and stay away from people who force you to try them. In fact help others get off them.