How to stand out even while wearing your school uniform

From ArticleWorld

To stand out even while wearing your school uniform is a feat that is not very easy to achieve but nevertheless doable. Although all uniforms of a school are the same and even though you are wearing one of them it is possible to look like an individual and distinguish yourself. Here’s how to do it.

A few suggestions

  1. First and foremost, get a copy of the dress school that your school has and read it meticulously because you would not want to go and commit a mistake in following the dress code of your school.
  2. Now check your present wardrobe and see if there isn’t anything there that fits within the dress code approved by the school. Check for little things that have not been specified. If the shirts need sleeves but sleeve sizes are not mentioned, get ¾ sleeves, they look different.
  3. Stick glitter with glue onto your normal belt to make them stand out. You can usually score with shoes because shoes are hard to pin down. Codes generally mention shoes with closed toes and leave it at that. There are many stores that stock really pretty closed toe shoes that are not sneakers or school uniform like. (check out Payless)
  4. If the rest of your school buys their uniforms at Wal-Mart, you can buy yours at Abercrombie, that would be different.
  5. Wear bracelets and rings and even bright hair bands to look different. Necklaces and cute earrings (if they are allowed) will also give you individuality.


  • Wear your hair in different styles on different days.
  • Wear pins and buttons to look different.


  • Be careful and don’t go to school with weird hair color or you might be sent home.
  • Don’t go overboard with nail paint. Conservative pastel colors or a French manicure are the only kinds allowed in most schools.
  • Don’t wear loud make-up, keep it light and clean.