How to assure your folks that you are old enough to date someone

From ArticleWorld

To assure your folks that you are old enough to date someone you need to prove that you can handle the situation. If you think that you are of an age that your parents should trust you to be alone on a date then you should have the maturity to not betray their faith. To take responsibility for your own actions and to be responsible for your share of household chores, among other things, would convince your parents that you are growing up and old enough to handle relationships. Here are some tips on how to convince your parents to let you go on your first date.

A few suggestions

  1. First and foremost, give your parents their due. It is not that they do not trust you, but possibly that they want to protect you from what is out there that they refuse to give you permission to date.
  2. Convince your parents that you are now an adult who is old enough to take on additional responsibility. Be polite, well mannered, and dependable and handle your share of the housework with conscientiousness. Be regular at school and complete your homework on time and strive to improve your grades.
  3. Learn to compromise and listen to their advice. Tell them that if they are not comfortable with your going out alone you are ready to accept going out on a group date. You could also agree to going over to date’s house for the date, having them come over to your house or even having either parents’ present as a chaperone.
  4. You could alternatively invite your date over to spend some time over at your house, meet your parents or have his/ her parents meet yours. Once everybody is comfortable with each other then ask to go out on a date on your own. It may seem a very long drawn out and convoluted process but if it makes your folks happy then it is worth the effort.


  • Be reasonable and logical about the whole issue. Losing your temper, throwing tantrums will make you lose ground and not solve matters. If your parents say no, then accept it and wait for them to say yes.


  • Don’t drop your act of being a mature and a responsible person once you get your way, instead let the new you take over permanently.