How to convince your wife to dress strikingly

From ArticleWorld

To Convince Your Wife to Dress Strikingly may take more time and effort than it took you to get the elusive advertising contract for your boss. Many women lose their interest in dressing p and looking attractive after they get married and have children. Most women don’t retain the energy to spend time and effort on themselves; others think that their figures have gone beyond looking sexy anymore. At such times a caring and a thoughtful husband can draw his wife out of her self and get back to dressing alluringly.

A few suggestions

  1. Don’t forget to make her feel loved. Make her feel that she is as attractive to you as always and she will respond by taking more care of her appearance.
  2. Listen to her attentively when she talks to you about the trouble areas. It might be her abdomen, her thighs or it might be just the way she feels, don’t think you are beyond listening to her talk shop.
  3. Buy her something that flatters her present figure and something that you also like. Encourage her to wear it and compliment her on her looks.
  4. Go out with her and show that you feel proud to be accompanying such an attractive woman. If she feels good, rest assured she will look good too.


  • Dress well yourself. Don’t expect to see your wife in a swanky dress if you spend the day wearing a sweat suit.
  • If your wife is comfortable in high heels, fine, if she is not then you should not push her into wearing something that puts her in the danger of doing herself some injury.


  • Don’t ask her to wear something that your teenage daughter has bought for herself. The dress should not only fit her body it should befit her age too.
  • Don’t compare her to other women or ask her to dress like some other woman you know.