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The term Daiquiri is used to refer to a particular family of cocktails (mixed drinks) which are mainly prepared with rum and lime juice.

It is said that this drink was first concocted by an American engineer by the name of Jennings Cox who worked in an iron mine near Daiquiri beach in Santiago, Cuba. Hence the cocktail got its name. The story behind its invention runs thus : Jennings threw a party for his American guests and midway he ran out of gin. He did not want to serve neat rum and so he sassed it up with sugar and lime juice. It was an immediate hit with his guests. In 1909, when Admiral Lucius W. Johnson, a US Navy medical officer tried Cox’s igenious mix he went back and served it at the Army and Navy Club of Washington DC. Its popularity spread from there on.

There are many variations to this cocktail but the basic mix called Daiquiri Natural is as follows :

1.3 oz light dry rum 0.7 oz lime juice 1 tsp sugar Crushed Ice

All the ingredients are mixed well in a shaker and served chilled.

Daiquiri Floridita

This is the most popular type of daiquiri and originates from a bar in Havana by the same name. It was first mixed by Constantino Ribalaigua Vert in 1950 and is also called Daiquiri Frappe

1.5 oz light dry rum Juice of 1 lime 1 tsp sugar Crushed ice 10 drops of Maraschino liqueur

All the above ingredients are mixed well in a blender till ice is finely crushed and served iced.

Strawberry Daiquiri

1/2 oz strawberry schnapps 1 oz light rum 1 oz lime juice 1 tsp powdered sugar 1 oz strawberries Crushed ice

All the above ingredients are mixed well in a blender till ice is finely crushed and served iced.

Other varieties

Papa’s is a famous daiquiri which is identical to the Floridita daiquiri. The only difference is that grapefruit juice is used here instead of lime juice.

Mulata is also similar to Floridita daiquiri but aged rum is used in place of light rum making the drink amber in color.

Other varieties like banana daiquiri and strawberry daiquiri are also popular.