
From ArticleWorld

The Consultant is a professional that provides expert advice in a specific area of expertise or a particular domain. Examples can be provided in: law, human resources, medicine, marketing, engineering, instrumentation, accountancy and so on. In the United Kingdom the same term is also used to describe senior medical positions.

Ways to work

Consultants can work in a variety of ways. They can offer expertise for clients that require special information in a particular field of activity or service on a particular timeframe. Basically an economy is provided. In other cases, a company that wants to implement a major project may need extra consulting or just extra help during the tense period. This tendency has brought consultants to be used as temporary staff in certain companies. A consultant can be a member of a larger company providing him and the client with several important advantages:

  • Several individuals can be used for one activity, maximizing the results and providing shorter times in which a project is finished
  • The client gains expertise from an entire company formed by several consultants and not just one
  • The client is also assured about quality
  • New techniques and methods of implementation can be assessed and put into operation.

A coach is sometimes considered to be a consultant that gives advice on training and career advancing. Several industries also use strategic consultants in upper management. Other types of consultants include IT consultants, Image consultants, Management consultants and Political consultants.