
From ArticleWorld

Proper stretching will lengthen, strengthen and lubricate muscles. Stretching decrease the instance of injury to muscles, ligaments, tendons and body tissue by increasing an individual's range of motion. Stretching also helps alleviate pain caused by DOMS, or delayed onset muscle soreness but has not been proven to prevent it. Ballistic, or bouncing, stretches may be harmful so a proper stretch applies slow constant force to muscles.

Five steps to stretching

Like warming up, stretching is an important way to get the body ready for physical activity. There are five agreed upon steps that will result in a good stretch thereby decreasing the instance of injury. 1.Rotate the joints in a circular motion. 2.Warm up the body to a slight perspiration. 3.Stretch muscles slowly while the body is at rest. 4.Alternately contract opposing muscles by twisting or swinging parts of the body like the torso, leg or arm. 5.An activity that is similar to the physical training or activity that will take place.


Proper stretching is directed toward individual muscles. By moving the primary muscle (agonist) and a secondary muscle (synergist), an individual will stretch the opposing muscle (antagonist). For example, an individual can stretch the quadriceps by simultaneously contracting both the hamstring and the calf muscle.


The order in which muscle should be properly stretched is as follows:

  1. back
  2. sides
  3. neck
  4. forearm/wrists
  5. triceps
  6. chest
  7. buttocks
  8. groin
  9. thighs
  10. calves
  11. shins
  12. hamstring