Speed dating

From ArticleWorld

Speed dating is a formalized matchmaking process that allows for two people to determine if they are compatible in a short period of time. Its development is credited to Rabbi Yaacov Deyo of Aish HaTorah. He came up with speed dating as a way to allow Jewish singles to meet each other in large cities where they were a minority.

Speed dating has recently been popularized by its emergence on dating television shows, such as The Fifth Wheel. Recently, it has become popular among the gay community.

During a speed date, men and women (or any combination thereof, according the specific date scenario) are rotated every eight minutes to allow each person to meet as many people as possible. At the end of the event, each individual submits a list of people he or she was interested in. When there is a match, contact information is provided.

Advantages of speed dating

Speed dating supporters believe that it saves time and allows people to quickly (and without stress) determine if they are physically attracted – and emotionally compatible – to each other. Since first impressions are often permanent, supporters argue that it is an efficient way to meet potential mates. Since contact information is traded after the “date,” it eases the pressure to accept or reject someone to his or her face.

Disadvantages of speed dating

Critics believe that first impressions are inherently shallow and that a dating system that relies on first impressions is thereby shallow. However, a scientific view suggests that eight minutes is more than sufficient to determine a physical attraction. Others say that this view reduces humans to an animal status. Speed dating is also oft-criticized because it seems to put the more introverted subjects at a disadvantage.