Respiratory arrest

From ArticleWorld

Respiratory arrest is a severe medical condition that consists of the cessation of normal tidal flow of the lungs.

Respiratory arrest is a major medical emergency, because it affects a vital system of the body. If not treated immediately, it can lead to unconsciousness, brain damage and death. Treatment must be very quick because the brain cannot survive too much without oxygen. Respiratory arrest is often associated with a cardiac arrest.

Causes and types

There are various causes for the respiratory arrest to occur. These causes include failure of one or both lungs, a paralysis of the diaphragm, and many other medical conditions that end with a respiratory failure. There are two types of respiratory arrest:

  • Primary respiratory arrest appears because the airways are obstructed, the respiratory drive is decreased or because of a severe weakness of the respiratory muscle.
  • Secondary respiratory arrest appears because of an circulatory insufficiency. The respiratory muscle may continue their activity, maybe even at an increased rate, but the cells do not receive enough oxygen.

Signs and symptoms

Symptoms of a respiratory arrest include noisy and difficult, irregular breathing and cyanosis. If the respiratory arrest is prolonged, a cardiac arrest may follow because hypoxia obstructs and eventually impairs cardiac function.


  • ICD-10 code: R09.2
  • ICD-9 code: 799.1