
From ArticleWorld

Monogamy is defined as only one partner in a marital or sexual relationship. It can also be used to define someone who has only had one relationship in the course of his or her lifetime.

Other terms

  • Serial monogamy is the process of restricting sexual contact to one partner, then ending that relationship before the start of another.
  • Polyamory and swinging is the use of multiple partners (often openly) for sexual pleasure.
  • Polyfidelity refers to the restricting of oneself to a group of people.

Polygamy vs. monogamy

Polygamy continues in much of the developing world but monogamy is more popular than ever before. Today, even when polygamy is allowed it is usually only practiced by the wealthy or famous since few men have the means to support a number of wives. It can most often be found in groups that have experienced war or famine (since these both typically kill more men then women).

Polyandry occurs when a woman takes multiple husbands and it is much rarer. Today, the Toda tribe of India observes the practice, where several brothers share one wife.

Monogamy is used to define marriage of one spouse and only one spouse but it can also refer to the connection to just one sexual partner in the absence of legal marriage (this can apply to heterosexual or homosexual couples). Health professionals advise monogamy as a safe sex practice. Some people argue that polyfidelity would achieve the same result.

It is important to remember that just because a legally monogamous relationship like marriage is present, there is no guarantee that it is factually monogamous. Adultery can always occur.

Monogamy among animals

Monogamy can refer to the mating pattern of animals. In this instance an animal “mates for life” or chooses just one partner with which to raise children. The animals that engage in this practice do so because it increases their chances of survival and is of mutual benefit to both mates. Birds typically are monogamous whereas mammals display very little monogamy. Some monogamous animals include: orcas, mallards, swans, parrots, prairie voles, isopods, snapping shrimp and albatross.