Instructions on how to fill out a personal check

From ArticleWorld

This article will show you how relatively easy it is to write a personal check .


  1. When writing a check make sure to use ink. The person’s name or business whom you are writing the check to put into “pay to the order of” line.
  2. Write the amount in the line that has a dollar sign. On that line put the sum of your payment. For example, $5.50/100 is the same as five dollars and fifty cents.
  3. There is a line beneath write the sum in words: five dollars and fifty cents like I did in number #2. At the end of the last word draw a line until you get to the word dollars.
  4. Write the account number of the bill you are paying in the line that says memo. Do not write your checking account number. Also, along with your bill account number write the month, and the year in which you are making the payment. For example, account #, 246800, June 2006. You can write other information, for example a check for your nephew's birthday, write happy birthday where it says memo.
  5. Be sure to write down the check number in the register, whom you are paying, and the sum.
  6. Deduct the sum of the check from your account balance.


Make sure to balance your checkbook regularly, if possible as soon as your monthly statement comes in the mail. You don’t want to have overdrafts, your bank will charge a fee. Do not fill out a personal check with pencil or anything that could be erased; only permanent pen.