How to do a frontside 360

From ArticleWorld

The frontside 360 is an advanced move in snowboarding that involves rotating in a complete circle, either clockwise or anti–clockwise, depending upon whether you are right or left ‘footed’.

Be sure that you can do the jump before you follow these instructions. The frontside 360 is not a jump for beginners. You should have enough experience to be able to ride fast, and be comfortable with a number of different stances.


Check the jump. Make sure that you choose a jump that is not crowded, and will allow you to complete the jump without encroaching on another space.

Ride towards the jump. Keep your board flat, as this will allow you to increase your speed. As you approach the jump, move your weight to the toeside edge, which will send you into a small curve. This curve will help you balance as you approach the top of the jump.

As you reach the lip of the jump, move your weight to the heelside of the board. Be sure that you are travelling fast enough to make the jump – otherwise, back out.

Jump, or ‘pop’. Do this by lifting your front foot as the front edge of the board leaves the lip, then follow with your back foot. Timed right, you should lift both legs almost simultaneously.

Begin the spin. While you are popping, throw your arms outward in the direction of your spin. You should be looking over your lead shoulder.

Follow through. You should continue to turn in the air.

As you pass 90 degrees, grab the edge of your board. You should be able to do different styles of grab, but the easiest is to use your back (non-leading) hand to hold the board between your legs.

Follow through with the rotation until you are facing the take off point. Let go of the board, and think about your landing.

When you are almost 360 degrees around, lift your knees to absorb the landing. Try to land with the board flat against the snow. Power through with your legs.


Be confident!

Use safety gear. It might look ugly, but it will save you from pain.