How to clean dust inside a computer's case

From ArticleWorld

Computers gather dust outside their cases, but this is nothing compared to what they gather inside, due to the fans and the constant circulation of air. It is essential to clean the dust inside the computer to ensure proper ventilation. Here is how to do it.


  1. Start by getting what you need. A can or two of compressed air, a soft brush, anti-static rags, any cleaning fluid for electronics and, if you are allergic to dust, a dust mask. Make sure that whatever cleaning fluid you choose can be used for electronic components. Endust for Electronics is a good option in general.
  2. Shut down the computer and disconnect all the peripherals. It may be a good idea to disconnect it from the power source as well. Remove its cover.
  3. Use the compressed air cans to spray air over the fan blades, circuit boards and every chassis like those used for disks and power supplies.
  4. Use the brush to dust everything that remains behind, but be careful not to dislodge smaller chips. Be gentle.
  5. Use the cleaning fluid and the anti-static rag to clean the case itself. Clean it inside and outside. It would be a good moment to clean the peripherals as well.


Do not the chips with your hands. You should touch a metal object as well, or wear an anti-static bracelet to avoid any discharges which may affect the components.

If your computer's manual has details on cleaning, follow them. However, do avoid using vacuum cleaners, small or large. The problem is simply that not all chips are soldered well enough to stick when using a vacuum cleaner. Besides, they have spinning electric motors, so they could cause magnetic damage.