How to Propose a toast to the bride and the bridegroom at a wedding

From ArticleWorld

To Propose a toast to the bride and the bridegroom at a wedding is a very interesting and a very traditional concept. The toast can be made by the bride to the groom, by the groom to the bride or by either set of parents. Sometimes friends also like to drink to the health of the newly weds by proposing a toast. If you think you will be invited to make a toast it is better to be prepared in advance so that what you say is meaningful and touching because it would be remembered by the people for many years. Here are some tips on how to say the appropriate thing and make a perfect wedding toast.

A few suggestions

  1. To begin with, you need to decide if you want to be original and write the toast yourself or to give your creative enzymes a miss and rely o the good old toasts available online or in books.
  2. If you are planning on the former, here’s wishing strength to your elbows but if you have decided to look up the net then you need to take a few down and add your own bit to personalize the message and make it your own.
  3. Make the speech a happy and optimistic one and end by wishing the couple joy and peace.
  4. Use index cards in case you think you will forget your speech in between and refer to them if required.


  • Stand up and using your right hand to the height of your shoulder, raise the glass straight.
  • refer to the index cards only if required and make the speech by looking at people straight in the eye to show that you mean every word. Enunciate clearly and speak slowly to allow the words to sink in.


  • Don’t make the speech too long or too maudlin or people will lose interest.
  • Don’t make any reference to how difficult and solemn a marriage is and how thorny the road to a long and successful married life.