
From ArticleWorld

The Beagle is a member of the scent hound group, they are medium sized and mainly used for hunting rabbits and larger hares. Beagles have longer ears and shorter legs than the Foxhound but are very similar in appearance. They typically have medium length coat and a broad chest with a narrow waist. The common colors for a Beagle are white with black and brown markings although there are some color variations in the markings.


Beagles have been used for hunting at least since the mid 14th century during the reign of Edward III. There is much speculation on the origins of the word ‘’beagle’’, some believe it originates from the French while others argue it is of Welsh, Old English or even German origin. Beagles were originally used in packs of 30-40 dogs, working as scent hounds, with the hunters following behind on foot. This was called beagling. Since the ban on fox hunting in the UK in 2005 a new bloodless sport has begun to emerge called drag hunting. In drag hunting the beagles follow an artificial scent to a finish line.


Beagles are very gentle and friendly dogs that almost never lose their temper. Because of their energetic nature, and the fact that they love to play, makes them ideal for homes with children. Beagles are very loyal and loving but can be hard to train because of their stubbornness. Because they are a pack animal by nature, beagles that are left alone for long periods of time can suffer from separation anxiety. Beagles get along well with other dogs and should never be allowed off the leash in an area that is not confined, as they may roam off following a scent.